CCFSA is proud to bring you a monthly IDPA match. *The monthly match is open to the general public
Match held once a month weather permitting. Volunteer setup at 8am once setup is complete sign in at bay 7. Safety brief and first shot at 9am.
What is IDPA:
"The International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) is the governing body of a shooting sport that simulates self-defense scenarios and real life encounters. It was founded in 1996 as a response to the desires of shooters worldwide. The organization now boasts membership of more than 25,000, including members in 70 foreign countries. IDPA offers an exciting forum for practical shooters in which truly practical equipment, techniques and courses of fire are mandated. Prior to IDPA, there was no place to compete with common service pistols. There were no shooting sports where your concealed carry holster could also be your match holster without handicap. When you come to an IDPA match, you can not only use your duty/CCW equipment, you can be completely competitive with it! Other shooting sports have become equipment races; IDPA will not. If you’re interested in using truly practical pistols to solve challenging and exciting defensive shooting problems, then IDPA is the sport for you." --From
Here at CCFSA:
We are fortunate here at CCFSA to have Eric Daniels the Ohio IDPA coordinator as match director and an amazing group of shooters to help run and compete in the matches. We typically set up 5 or more stages with everything from paper targets to steel including moving targets. With this you are able to practice and train basic to advanced pistol skills. All skill level competitors are welcome to join us. setup starts at 8am and match runs until 1pm usually.
What to bring:
Eye and ear protection, pistol, holster, 3 mags, a cover garment (can be a light jacket or long shirt) and some ammo (outdoor matches- 100-150 rounds approx.). Bring a snack and something to drink if you think you need it and $20 cash for the entry fee.
Tips for a successful match:
We run a cold range, that means once you check in with us typically at bay 5 you will need to find one of our safe areas to gear up and holster your EMPTY firearm. remember NO AMMO at these tables.
Please check out for rules and more information.
IDPA will be using for upcoming matches. please find match info there and sginup.
IDPA at CCFSA will be alternating days Saturday, and Sunday each month starting 2024.