Elections - CCFSA

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Hello Clinton County Farmers' and Sportsmen's Association members. It’s that time of year again when we get to hold elections for board of directors (BOD) and have our annual meeting and dinner. Each BOD serves a 3-year term with an option for re-election.  If any member has an interest in running for the BOD please let one of the officers. We elect 7 of the 21 BODs every January. If you are interested in running for a position on the board, please submit your bio with a picture.
Who can run:
No member shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors until after having been a member in good standing for a period of not less than one (1) year.
Who can vote:
To be eligible to vote for members of the board of Directors, an individual must have been an active member for not less than twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding the election.
Where to vote:
Voting will take place Saturday January 6th 2024 from 5pm-6pm before the annual meeting. At CCFSA 301 Batson road, Wilmington Ohio 45177 inside the clubhouse.

The elected BODs will be sworn in at the next monthly meeting.
Annual Meeting:
The annual meeting will be held on Saturday January 6th 2024 starting at 7pm at  at CCFSA 301 Batson road, Wilmington Ohio 45177 inside the clubhouse.

Positions held by the board are:
President                                                     1st Vice president                                       2nd Vice president
Secretary                                                       Treasure                              
Finance                                                         Conservation/ lake/hunting/camping
Clubhouse rentals                                      Safety                                                            Legislative
Shotgun sports                                            Archery                                                         Rifle/pistol
Youth group                                                Membership                                                Kitchen
Building and grounds                                Website                                                         Merchandising
Public Relations                                          Sponsorship
The Clinton County Farmers’ and Sportsmen’s Association General Membership Meeting is held the second Wednesday of the month. All members are encouraged to attend. The meeting starts at 7:00pm.
Once elected to the board members have the opportunity to join any number of committees listed above. All committees will have a chairman to oversee that committee. The Chairman for each committee will report current events happening within the committee to the board at the monthly meeting.
The Board of Directors shall have the power to manage all the affairs and to make all contracts necessary for the proper transaction of all business. They shall have entire jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to care, conduct, control, supervision, and management of the Association
and its finances, and all appropriations shall be made by them.
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